Whether you're looking for a new hobby or want to improve your life in some way, there are plenty of programs and workshops at Jeevi that can help you. Here are some of our favorite wellness programs:


Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice that helps you connect with yourself, your body and the world around you. In yoga we use postures to strengthen our muscles while relaxing them at the same time. Yoga can be performed by anyone regardless of age or fitness level but it's ideal for those who want to make changes in their lives while also maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice that helps you connect with yourself, your body and the world around you. In yoga we use postures to strengthen our muscles while relaxing them at the same time. Yoga can be performed by anyone regardless of age or fitness level but it's ideal for those who want to make changes in their lives while also maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


Self-improvement is a process of learning, experiencing and growing. The Jeevi community is here to help you achieve your goals in life by providing opportunities for personal growth and development.

Eating Healthy

You need to eat the right kind of food in order to keep your body running at its best. Eating healthy means that you are getting all the nutrients your body needs, which will help make sure that your muscles work well and give you energy throughout the day. It's also important that people take care with what they put into their bodies because some items may contain chemicals or additives which could harm them if they are consumed too often overtime (especially children).

Body positivity

Body positivity is the idea that you can love your body, no matter what size it is. It's about accepting yourself as a unique individual and not being ashamed of your flaws and imperfections. Body positivity is the opposite of body shaming.

Stress & Anxiety Management

Stress and anxiety management is a very important aspect of Jeevi's wellness program. The difference between stress and anxiety is that you know what to do when you are stressed, but when your body starts feeling anxious, you may not know how to manage it. Anxiety can happen at any time in life, but the best way to deal with it is by understanding its triggers so that you can develop strategies for managing these feelings effectively.

mindfulnes & self-compassion

Mindfulness is the ability to be aware of what is going on in the present moment. It’s a skill that can help you stay calm and focused, which allows you to better manage stressors. When you learn how to practice mindfulness, it will allow for greater self-awareness and emotional stability.

happiness enhancement

Whether you're looking for a new hobby or want to improve your life in some way, there are plenty of programs and workshops at Jeevi that can help you. Here are some of our favorite wellness programs:

Keep working towards your wellness and happiness

Focus on the positive. Don’t let setbacks get you down, and don’t be too hard on yourself when you fail to reach your goals.

Stay positive and keep working towards your goals. The best thing to do is to stay positive in all situations, whether it be at work or home, as well as with family members and friends.

Don’t let negativity get in the way of your happiness - negative people can make us feel bad about ourselves so it helps if we try our very best not to listen too much or spend time with those who bring us down